WebDriver remote ends must provide an HTTP-based, RESTish wire protocol where the endpoints map to different commands.
As this standard only defines the remote end protocol, it puts no demands to how local ends should be implemented. Local ends are only expected to be compatible to the extent that they can speak the remote end’s protocol; no requierements are made upon their exposed user-facing API.
4.1 Algorithms
Various parts of this specification are written in terms of step-by-step algorithms. The details of these algorithms do not have any normative significance; implementations are free to adopt any implementation strategy that produces equivalent output to the specification. In particular algorithms in this document are optimised for readability rather than performance.
Where algorithms that return values are fallible, they are written in terms of returning either success or error. Asuccess value has an associated data field which encapsulates the value returned, whereas an error response has an associated error code.
The result of getting a property with name from an Object is defined as the result of calling the[[GetOwnProperty]] internal method of with property name name.
4.2 Commands
The WebDriver protocol is organised into commands. Each HTTP request with a method and template defined in this specification represents a single command and therefore each command produces a single HTTP response. In response to a command, a remote end will run a series of actions against the remote browser.
Each command defined in this specification has an associated list of remote end steps. This provides the sequence of actions that a remote end takes when it receives a particular command.
4.3 Processing Model
The remote end acts as a HTTP server reading requests from the client and writing responses, typically over TCP socket. For the purposes of this specification we model the data transmission between a particular local endand remote end with a connection to which the remote end may write bytes and read bytes. However the exact details of how this connection works and how it is established are out of scope.
After such a connection has been established, a remote end must run the following steps:
- Read bytes from the connection until a complete HTTP request can be constructed from the data. Letrequest be a request constructed from the received data, according to the requirements of [RFC7230].
- Let request match be the result of the algorithm to match a request with request’s method and URL as arguments.
- If request match is of type error, send an error with request match’s error code and jump to step 1.Otherwise, let command and url variables be request match’s data.
- Let session id be the corresponding variable from url variables.
- If command is not New Session:
- If session id is not equal to the ID of any session in the list of active sessions, send an error with error code invalid session id, then jump to step 1 in this overall algorithm.
- If request’s method is POST:
- Let parse result be the result of parsing as JSON with request’s body as the argument.
- If parse result is an error or if it is a success but its associated data is not an Object, send an error witherror code invalid argument and jump back to step 1 in this overall algorithm.Otherwise, let parameters be parse result’s data.
Otherwise, let parameters be null. - Let response result be the return value obtained by running the remote end steps for command with url variables as arguments.
- If response result is an error, send an error with error code equal to response result’s error code and jump back to step 1 in this overall algorithm.Otherwise, if response result is a success, let response data be response result’s data.
- Send a response with status 200 and response data.
- Jump to step 1.
When required to send an error, with error code, a remote end must run the following steps:
- Let http status and name be the error response data for error code.
- Let message be an implementation-defined string containing a human-readable description of the reason for the error.
- Let stacktrace be an implementation-defined string containing a stack trace report of the active stack frames at the time when the error occurred.
- ISSUE 3Really need a better way to construct JSON literals.Let data be a new JSON Object initialised with the following properties:
- "
" - Value of name.
- "
" - Value of message.
- "
" - Value of stacktrace.
- "
- Send a response with status and data as arguments.
When required to send a response, with arguments status and data, a remote end must run the following steps:
- Let response be a new response.
- Set response’s HTTP status to status, and status message to the string corresponding to the description ofstatus in the status code registry.
- If data is not null, let response’s body be the result of serializing as JSON with data as the argument.
- Let response bytes be the byte sequence resulting from serializing response according to the rules in [RFC7230].
- Write response bytes to the connection.
4.4 Routing Requests
Request routing is the process of going from a HTTP request to the series of steps needed to implement thecommand represented by that request.
A remote end has an associated URL prefix, which is used as a prefix on all WebDriver-defined URLs on that remote end. This must either be undefined or an path-absolute URL.
- Let endpoints be a list containing each row in the table of endpoints.
- Remove each entry from endpoints for which the concatenation of the URL prefix and the entry’s URI template does not match URL’s path.
- Remove each entry in endpoints for which the method column is not an exact case-sensitive match formethod.
- There is now exactly one entry in endpoints; let entry be this entry.
- Let parameters be the result of extracting the variables from URL using entry’s URI template.
- Let command be entry’s command.
- Return success with data command and parameters.
4.5 List of Endpoints
Method | URI Template | Command |
POST | /session | New Session |
DELETE | /session/{session id} | Delete Session |
POST | /session/{session id}/url | Go |
GET | /session/{session id}/url | Get Current URL |
POST | /session/{session id}/back | Back |
POST | /session/{session id}/forward | Forward |
POST | /session/{session id}/refresh | Refresh |
GET | /session/{session id}/title | Get Title |
GET | /session/{session id}/window | Get Window Handle |
DELETE | /session/{session id}/window | Close Window |
POST | /session/{session id}/window | Switch To Window |
GET | /session/{session id}/window/handles | Get Window Handles |
POST | /session/{session id}/window/fullscreen | Fullscreen Window |
POST | /session/{session id}/window/maximize | Maximize Window |
POST | /session/{session id}/window/size | Set Window Size |
GET | /session/{session id}/window/size | Get Window Size |
POST | /session/{session id}/frame | Switch To Frame |
POST | /session/{session id}/frame/parent | Switch To Parent Frame |
POST | /session/{session id}/element | Find Element |
POST | /session/{session id}/element/{element id}/element | Find Element From Element |
POST | /session/{session id}/elements | Find Elements |
POST | /session/{session id}/element/{element id}/elements | Find Elements From Element |
GET | /session/{session id}/element/active | Get Active Element |
GET | /session/{session id}/element/{element id}/selected | Is Element Selected |
GET | /session/{session id}/element/{element id}/attribute/{name} | Get Element Attribute |
GET | /session/{session id}/element/{element id}/property/{name} | Get Element Property |
GET | /session/{session id}/element/{element id}/css/{property name} | Get Element CSS Value |
GET | /session/{session id}/element/{element id}/text | Get Element Text |
GET | /session/{session id}/element/{element id}/name | Get Element Tag Name |
GET | /session/{session id}/element/{element id}/rect | Get Element Rect |
GET | /session/{session id}/element/{element id}/enabled | Is Element Enabled |
GET | /session/{session id}/source | Get Page Source |
POST | /session/{session id}/execute/sync | Execute Script |
POST | /session/{session id}/execute/async | Execute Async Script |
GET | /session/{session id}/cookie/{name} | Get Cookie |
POST | /session/{session id}/cookie | Add Cookie |
DELETE | /session/{session id}/cookie/{name} | Delete Cookie |
DELETE | /session/{session id)/cookie | Delete All Cookies |
POST | /session/{session id}/timeouts | Set Timeout |
POST | /session/{session id}/actions | Perform Actions |
DELETE | /session/{session id}/actions | Releasing Actions |
POST | /session/{session id}/element/{element id}/click | Element Click |
POST | /session/{session id}/element/{element id}/clear | Element Clear |
POST | /session/{session id}/element/{element id}/sendKeys | Element Send Keys |
POST | /session/{session id}/alert/dismiss | Dismiss Alert |
POST | /session/{session id}/alert/accept | Accept Alert |
GET | /session/{session id}/alert/text | Get Alert Text |
POST | /session/{session id}/alert/text | Send Alert Text |
GET | /session/{session id}/screenshot | Take Screenshot |
GET | /session/{session id}/element/{element id}/screenshot | Take Element Screenshot |
4.6 Handling Errors
Errors are represented in the WebDriver protocol with a HTTP response with a HTTP status in the 4xx or 5xx range, and a JSON body containing details of the error. This JSON body has three fields:
, containing a string indicating the error type; message
, containing an implementation-defined string with a human readable description of the kind of error that occured; and stacktrace
, containing an implementation-defined string with a stack trace report of the active stack frames at the time when the error occurred.
The following table lists each error code, its associated HTTP status, JSON
code, and a non-normative description of the error. The error response data for a particular error code is the values of the HTTP Status andJSON Error Code columns for the row corresponding to that error code.Error Code | HTTP Status | JSON Error Code | Description |
element not selectable | 400 | element not selectable | An attempt was made to select an element that cannot be selected. |
element not visible | 400 | element not visible | An element command could not be completed because the element is not visible on the page. |
invalid argument | 400 | invalid argument | The arguments passed to a command are either invalid or malformed. |
invalid cookie domain | 400 | invalid cookie domain | An illegal attempt was made to set a cookie under a different domain than the current page. |
invalid element coordinates | 400 | invalid element coordinates | The coordinates provided to an interactions operation are invalid. |
invalid element state | 400 | invalid element state | An element command could not be completed because the element is in an invalid state, e.g. attempting to click an element that is no longer attached to the document. |
invalid selector | 400 | invalid selector | Argument was an invalid selector. |
invalid session id | 404 | invalid session id | Occurs if the given session id is not in the list of active sessions, meaning the session either does not exist or that it’s not active. |
javascript error | 500 | javascript error | An error occurred while executing JavaScript supplied by the user. |
move target out of bounds | 500 | move target out of bounds | The target for mouse interaction is not in the browser’s viewport and cannot be brought into that viewport. |
no such alert | 400 | no such alert | An attempt was made to operate on a modal dialog when one was not open. |
no such element | 404 | no such element | An element could not be located on the page using the given search parameters. |
no such frame | 400 | no such frame | A request to switch to a frame could not be satisfied because the frame could not be found. |
no such window | 400 | no such window | A request to switch to a window could not be satisfied because the window could not be found. |
script timeout | 408 | script timeout | A script did not complete before its timeout expired. |
session not created | 500 | session not created | A new session could not be created. |
stale element reference | 400 | stale element reference | An element command failed because the referenced element is no longer attached to the DOM. |
timeout | 408 | timeout | An operation did not complete before its timeout expired. |
unable to set cookie | 500 | unable to set cookie | A request to set a cookie’s value could not be satisfied. |
unable to capture screen | 500 | unable to capture screen | A screen capture was made impossible. |
unexpected alert open | 500 | unexpected alert open | A modal dialog was open, blocking this operation. |
unknown command | 404 | unknown command | A command could not be executed because the remote end is not aware of it. |
unknown error | 500 | unknown error | An unknown error occurred in the remote end while processing thecommand. |
unknown method | 405 | unknown method | The requested command matched a known URL but did not match an method for that URL. |
unsupported operation | 500 | unsupported operation | Indicates that a command that should have executed properly cannot be supported for some reason. |
4.7 Protocol Extensions
The protocol is designed to allow extension to meet vendor-specific needs. Commands that are specific to a user agent are called extension commands and behave no differently than other commands; each has a dedicated HTTP endpoint and a set of remote end steps.
Each extension command has an associated extension command name that is a lowercased ASCII string, and which should bear some resemblance to what the command performs. The name is used to form an extension command’s URL.
The extension command’s extension command URL is a URL composed of the extension prefix, followed by "
", and the extension command’s name. The extension command URL, along with the HTTP method andextension command, is added to the table of endpoints and thus follows the same rules for request routing as that of other built-in commands.
The remote end’s extension prefix is a lowercased ASCII string that forms a URL path element, separatingextension commands from other commands to avoid potential resource conflicts with other implementations. It is suggested that vendors use their vendor prefixes without additional characters as outlined in [CSS21], notably insection on vendor keywords, as the name for this path element.
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